As you get older a combination of hormonal changes like the reduction in growth hormone level and the build up in stress that comes from work and family life will lead to weight gain due to an accumulation of body fat. This is usually a gradual process that starts in your thirties and becomes more obvious in your early forties. Unless you recognize these changes early, change your mindset and take sustainable healthy action, you will continue to gain weight and struggle to reduce your blood pressure, Here are 3 tips on how changing your mindset can help you reduce your reduce your blood pressure in a sustainable way after 40.
The first change in mindset you need is to focus on long-term lifestyle changes instead looking for short-term quick fixes. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. You need to stop chasing after the latest diet, the latest “pill” that will magically burn off fat, reduce your weight and help you reduce your blood pressure. Research has shown that 60-90% of people who start a new exercise regimen give it up within 6 months. Unless you have a change in your mindset, you will end up being part of this group.
The second mindset change you need is to look inwards. Instead of looking outwards, look inwards and try to gain a deeper understanding of yourself so that you will know which set of physical activities and exercises will best fit your personality, sense of self and your energy level. It could be running with friends, walking, swimming, tennis or playing golf. Once you discover which form of exercise works best for you schedule, budget and personality, stick to it. You need to do an exercise regimen for sometime before you get the full health benefits associated with it. A mindset that makes you change from one exercise to another repeatedly will lead to failure. You will end up not getting the results you desire in terms of reduced blood pressure.
The third mindset change you need to help you have a sustainable healthy lifestyle is perseverance. Stick to your chosen plan. Do not get easily discouraged by initial poor results like slow weight loss or inconsistencies in bed time. Sleeping on time and having deep sleep will help you to reduce your blood pressure because it will help you to become well-rested and have fewer hormonal fluctuations.
You also have to remember that your negative health changes occurred gradually due to bad habits like insufficient sleep, eating junk food, inconsistent exercise, and poor stress management over a period of time. In order to over come these changes in a sustainable manner you need to persevere. You need to give up the mindset that seeks for overnight solutions.